Cigar Smoke Shop POS – Cigarette POS


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Cigars are made of tobacco leaves that are aged and harvested to reduce sugar and moisture by using a combination of heat and shade. The leaves are used as fillers once they have aged properly for maximum quality. This also dictates the appearance and overall quality of the cigar. Superior cigars are still handmade. An experienced cigar-roller can produce hundreds of very good, nearly identical, cigars per day.  Flavors can range from mint, peach, vanilla, or a mixture of the two. A cigarette is a smaller version of the cigar. The leaves used for the cigarettes are processed differently and are wrapped in white paper.  Cigarettes have a filter at one end and are also available in different flavors. A new trend available in the market is the electronic cigarette. It stimulates the act of tobacco smoking producing the same sensation, appearance, and flavor of the tobacco with or without the nicotine.

If your store provides customers with different types of Cigars and Cigarettes, Sintel Systems has the best business solutions for you.

Point of Sale for Cigar Shop and Cigarette Store is complete with everything you need to get going. To customize your order, click on the package that best suits your business needs. For a comparison of systems, click here.