For Small Businesses Owners, An Ever-Growing Reliance on IT

iStock_000021652636XLargeSmall-business owners all use technology to one degree or another, but they may wonder how they stack up in that regard against other small business owners.

To answer that question, we recommend that you check out a report issued by the National Small Business Association (NSBA) entitled “2013 Small Business Technology Survey.”

Just as we share our vast point of sale (POS) experience and expertise with startup owners in order to help them make the best decisions from the very beginning, we at Sintel Systems are happy to share articles, advice and commentary about retail point of sale and technology.

Writing for, Techspert Services CEO Robert McNicholas takes note of the NSBA’s report, which tabulates exactly how 845 small-business owners use technology.

Here are the highlights of McNicholas’ blog post, “How Small Businesses Use Technology”:

• Smartphone usage by small-business owners was 74% in 2013, up from 57% in 2010.

• Laptop usage in 2013 was 84%; 87% used a desktop PC. The numbers were 67% and 76% respectively in 2010.

• Tablet usage was 41% in 2013.

• 78% preferred the reliability of a landline for business phone calls in 2013.

• 50% of the respondents had a Facebook profile and 57% had a LinkedIn account.

• Despite the fact that only 28% of the 845 businesses surveyed sold goods online, 82% had a website, but only 18% had a mobile website.

• Common concerns identified in the survey included the cost of keeping up with the latest in information technology (IT) and staying safe from hacking, viruses, fraud and ID theft. The report showed that 94% were concerned about IT system security.

• 44% stated their business was the victim of some form of malicious attack.

• Reliance on technology seems to be a growing trend that is unlikely to end soon, as evidenced by the following survey results:

• 99% said they were equally or more dependent on their programs and apps than before.

• 70% rated technology as very important to their success.

• Cloud computing was nascent in 2010, with only 5% of small-business owners using the technology. By 2013, cloud computing use jumped to 43%.

McNicholas’ interpretation of the report has technology playing a huge role in running a small business. He closes his post by stating, “Look for the mobile and cloud computing arenas to grow as we continue toward a more wireless world.”

Read the full Robert McNicholas post at here. The National Small Business Association’s 2013 Small Business Technology Survey may be found here.

For more insights into retailing’s relationship with technology, check out our related blog posts, Survey Retailers Likely to Triple Mobile POS Social Media Sales by 2018Only IT Can Prevent Inventory Shrinkage, and Shape Or Be Shaped By IT.

As the only full-service point of sale provider — from software development to franchise incubator to ongoing support — part of Sintel’s commitment to our customers and industry is to share ideas and information. Whether you’re a first-time franchise hopeful, a small business owner or an established chain, it’s always smart to stay on top of the latest technology use-cases to achieve financial success.

We form lasting partnerships with our clients that you simply can’t get from a reseller, allowing larger franchises to grow and providing startups the foundation for future growth from the very beginning by acting as a franchise incubator. Our expertise can help you avoid common pitfalls of entry into this thriving but complex industry — including the challenge of meeting customer expectations in an age of technological advances.

Whether you’re a first-time franchise hopeful, a small business owner or an established chain, it’s always smart to stay on top of technological, and social, industry trends.

If you are interested in learning more about Sintel’s POS systems and how our knowledge and support can impact your future success, call us for a complimentary phone consultation.

Sintel Systems is the only direct to end user full-service provider of tailored Point of Sale systems across retail, restaurant and service industries, including frozen yogurt shopspizzeriassushi restaurantscafés and retail stores.

As a single source for business solutions, our experienced, knowledgeable team negotiates the complex POS landscape for you to enable you to find the right POS system for your business and budget. Hardware – Software – Support

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