Debit and Credit Card Usage Alert

Credit card terminal (POS-terminal) for payment

Although using your debit or credit card wherever you may be is convenient, you become vulnerable to hackers. Using your card to complete transactions puts users at risk of identity theft.

Always try to avoid using your card at these seven places to prevent a hacker from obtaining valuable information.

Online Shopping

The most important aspect of online shopping is ensuring the website you are browsing is secure. Safe websites display a green lock icon without overlays. Some websites, including Amazon, are not secure until you log into your account or begin check-out. Thus, people can view what you are browsing as you are shopping.

Hidden/Out of View Terminals

Beware of out of the way terminals because these are the best targets for skimmers. Gas pumps on the edge of lots or self checkout systems at grocery stores are the easiest targets. Skimmer devices can easily be attached to any point of sale system, compromising your valuable personal information.

Temporary Stores

Buying a t-shirt at a concert or swap meet is another dangerous location to be swiping your card. With no actual store front location, hackers can easily steal your information and leave no trace.

Outdoor Pay Terminals

Outdoor POS systems, including drive thrus, are prime targets for skimmers. They can easily be hidden anywhere and scan information without notice.

Cell Phone Charging Station

Not only can hackers gather swiped card information, skimmers can also harvest cell phone data. Ironically called “juice jacking,” phone data is stolen while charging.


Apps are a very tricky situation. If an application is asking for money in order to upgrade or repair a program, be sure it is not fake. Malware may try to trick and gather credit card information. Beware of such viruses on computers, phones, and tablets.

Free Service or Trial Period

Most require card input data before you can even begin a trial, be cautious not to sign yourself up for something that will be impossible to cancel.

Alternate Payment Methods

As a point of sale provider to the restaurant, retail, and service industry, Sintel Systems recommends integrating merchant account (credit card) processing into point of sale systems. Stand alone terminals, have an exponentially lower rate of inactivity, which may jeopardize card holders.

Consumers should opt to using cash or re-loadable pre-paid cards as they are not linked to personal information.

Spokesperson for the National Foundation for Credit Counseling suggests using cash makes consumers more conscious of overspending. Not only are you protecting yourself from identity theft but will aid in becoming a smarter consumer.

Debit cards double as credit cards and should be used as such. Instead of inputting your pin, which can compromise both the card and pin, use it as a credit card.

Other than that try to solely use your debit card at an ATM to pull out cash.

With major retailers like Target, Home Depot, and Sony being targets for hackers, it is important to take extra security measures to ensure your financial security.

Sintel Systems is the only direct to end user full-service provider of tailored Point of Sale systems across retail, restaurant and service industries, including frozen yogurt shopspizzeriassushi restaurants, and cafes.

Sintel System Retail POS SoftwareAs a single source for business solutions, our experienced, knowledgeable team negotiates the complex POS landscape for you to enable you to find the right POS system for your business and budget. Hardware – Software – Support

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