Grocery Store Concept Gives The Industry A High Tech Upgrade

Robotic Grocery Concept article at Sintel SystemsNew concept is giving grocery stores a high-tech upgrade. Des Moines, Iowa is planning on opening the first ever robotic grocery store.

Experimenting with vending machine models, Oasis24seven and the nonprofit Eat Greater want to bring food and convenience to locals at anytime. Areas of Des Moines lack quality food and they want robotic unit to fill in the gaps.

Customers choose items from a touch screen point of sale system with a products list. The system which works on a conveyer belt pulls items from inventory and delivers it to the customer. Instead of drop down delivery, the conveyor belt allow for the purchase of more fragile items like eggs.

Fully refrigerated, systems would allow anywhere from 200 to 800 items. Large front windows provide customers visibility of available items. Each store will be approximately 260 square feet.

Eat Greater plans on keeping prices in line with major grocery store retailers. Most of their products are being sourced from another local non-profit, which also supplies twelve food banks. Partnering will help maintain prices as low as possible.

After the begging planning stages, they hope to begin construction by the end of July.

Sintel System Grocery POS SoftwareSintel Systems is the only direct to user full service for grocery and produce POS. They also provide tailored point of sale systems across the retail industry including, candy shops, cigar shops, and gift shops.

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