MPOS Taking Care of Business: Cash Registers Have Left The Building

123046351For today’s retailers, taking care of business means mobile point of sale (MPOS). Cash registers have left the building, or are on their way out the door.

“The Cash Registers Days Are Numbered,” a recent article citing a Onepoll study on POS industry website, states that over half of Americans believe the cash register is “outdated” and will be “gone soon.”

Here are some salient points from the post:

• Consumers demand that tech make their lives easier — and want the same from retailers. They want their in-store purchasing experience to match their experience online, which is at the speed of a click. Hence, MPOS is the largest factor in the demise of the cash register.

• Beyond the high-tech nature of MPOS, the OnePoll study lists the following as major business benefits:

– Quick checkout from anywhere on the store floor is the largest advantage.

– Consumers are more likely to shop the store more often, and recommend it to others via social media.

– The study found that 56% of consumers appreciate more convenience, a “huge bonus for companies looking to drive real differences in both branding efforts and sales.”

– MPOS security concerns top the list for consumers who want the same level of security as cash registers. The post recommends both PCI-PTS and PCI-PDS certified enterprise-grade security.

– There are as many consumers avoiding MPOS as those who’ve allowed a store to use MPOS to check out, each clocking in at 1 in 5. This means retailers have an opportunity to educate their customers on MPOS at checkout and via emails and their website.

– Consumers want to use MPOS and expect the traditional cash register to be replaced by the technology. For retailers, that means cutting down on lines, improved customer resource management results and increased retail floor space.

• As more organizations are integrating MPOS to complement their existing systems, consumers say they’re most comfortable using MPOS in retail (26%), followed by food & beverage (14%) and airlines/car rental companies (10%).

As the only full-service POS provider — from software development to franchise incubator to ongoing support — part of Sintel’s commitment to our customers and industry is to share high-impact news.

We form lasting partnerships with our clients that you simply can’t get from a reseller, allowing larger franchises to grow and providing startups the foundation for future growth from the very beginning by acting as a franchise incubator. Our expertise can help you avoid common pitfalls of entry into this thriving but complex industry — including the challenge of using technological advances to meet customer expectations.

Whether you’re a first-time franchise hopeful, a small business owner or an established chain, it’s always smart to stay on top of technological, and social, industry trends.

If you are interested in learning more about Sintel’s POS systems and how our knowledge and support can impact your future success, call us for a complimentary phone consultation.

Check out the post here.

Sintel Systems is the only full-service provider of tailored Point of Sale systems across retail, restaurant and service industries, including frozen yogurt shopspizzeriassushi restaurantscafés and retail stores.

As a single source for business solutions, our experienced, knowledgeable team negotiates the complex POS landscape for you to enable you to find the right POS system for your business and budget. Hardware – Software – Support

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