New point of sale technological updates and artificial intelligence have begun to dominate produce markets. This start was put in place by Amazon who has set the stage for new artificially intelligent stores (after the acquisition of Whole Foods Market) by creating a grocery store called Amazon Go where customer experience the Just Walk Out experience.
The new technology at Amazon Go allows customers to walk into the store, scan their smartphones with the Amazon Go app, and from their they can shop for their groceries while the app itself monitors what’s in their virtual basket. There is no scanning of bar codes; instead customers can just leave the store and once they exit their Amazon account is automatically charged through the Amazon Go app.
The introduction of Amazon Go in 2017 along with their Amazon Fresh delivery service of groceries has really caused a major ripple across the entire supermarket industry. A report made by Packaged Facts, a market research firm, stated that “Amazon is the 800 pound online retailing gorilla for virtually every category of consumer goods one might care to mention.” This means Amazon is now the leading the market industry when it comes to online and virtual ordering.
This has led to other supermarkets to want to incorporate new technology into their stores in order to compete with Amazon who is really taking customer convenience and experience to a whole other level.
Ralphs, a supermarket chain owned by Kroger, has decided to compete with Amazon by introducing a similar technology into their stores. Kroger’s new debuting technology is called “Scan, Bag, Go,” which is a new type of self-serve technology. “Kroger’s new scan and go service, not surprisingly, comes a week after the debut of Amazon Go,” writes Nancy Luna in her article “Ralphs parent company, Kroger, challenges Amazon with ‘scan and go’ shopping technology.”
Scan, Bag, Go lets customers use either a scanner or an app on their smartphones to scan the barcodes on their grocery selections while they shop. Customers however, will still have to pay for their groceries at a self-checkout. For now the app does not allow customers to pay through the app, unlike Amazon who does provide this service.
According to Kroger’s executive vice president, Chris Hjelm, “With ever new product, service, and technology integration, Kroger is redefining the customer experience and reimagining the store of the future.”
So with more and more markets competing to stay ahead, it makes sense to adopt and integrate with the newest and bestselling technology out there. Sintel Systems should be the first choice for any markets looking to adopt a new POS system.
For markets looking to advance their sales through online ordering or by adopting a mobile app, Sintel Systems is a direct and single source provider that can help businesses in the market industry with a new POS system. As part of Sintel System’s all-inclusive market and produce POS system package, our customers get a gift and loyalty card network with mobile app, private cloud services, embedded merchant account services, and unlimited technical support. Sintel Systems Direct-to-POS Online Ordering allows orders placed online to appear on the POS system as soon as they are in place.
Let Sintel Systems provide your market with the best POS system.
Sintel Systems is the leading global, direct and single source POS Provider to markets. Sintel Systems provides hardware support and software support as well.
To learn more about how Sintel Systems can help improve your business, contact us today.